Art by Lorelle Carr for Sale at Wine-d Down with Wings

Lorelle Carr is inspired by nature, animals and her deep spirituality. The Council Bluffs artist, who lives and creates in Harvester Artist Lofts, works in many different mediums and loves to learn new techniques.

Her winged creations will be available for sale Thursday, September 15, at Wine-d Down with Wings, a new fundraiser for Wings of Hope Cancer Support Center. The event - which also includes live music by singer/songwriter Paul Hart, appetizers by the Chef Around the Block, goat cuddling, wine trivia, raffles and more - will be held from 6:00 to 9:00pm at Ditmars Orchard & Vineyard in Council Bluffs. Tickets are $30 per person and $50 per couple. Carr will donate a percentage of her sales that evening to Wings of Hope.

A native of North Dakota, Carr recently received her Bachelor of Studio Arts from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. In January 2023, she hopes to launch a new 50 State Art Project. Carr will be traveling via shuttle bus to each state for one year, staying in each state for one week. She plans to render a painting of the state bird, state flower with a state landmark or icon from the public’s photos.

Learn more about the artist via our Q&A below.

Q: When did you know you were going to be an artist?

I’ve been drawing on walls since I can remember. I did get in a lot of trouble when my mom found out I drew under all the tables and inside the sliding closet doors - I was 4. I doodled in class instead of doing my work. It’s what I did in my spare time, always drawing and painting. I’ve always known I was to be a painter.

Q: Describe your process.

I start with painting my backgrounds; this is my play time. I do several boards and canvas at a time, if not 10 or more. There can be 10 to 30 layers of paint and glaze in each of my backgrounds. So, this can take several days or weeks to complete. There is no planning on these backgrounds, I pick a paint color and go. It still amazes me how each layer changes the whole look. Then comes the subject. Whatever I am painting I choose the background that will make that subject pop.

Q: Name the 3 most important things in your studio space.

  • My worktable is important, it's very large and has wheels, and I can spread my plans and drawings out.

  • My music speaker is a must. When I am finished with the planning stage and in the painting stage there is time for an audible book or music.

  • My storage room holds all my supplies and materials so they are not in my workspace distracting me. Everything has its place.

Q: Where do you find inspiration?

My inspiration usually comes from something I see when I am out and about. The shadow of a tree or the colors in the sky. Birds inspire me the most. I think because they are always there. Wherever I go, there are birds around, and they draw my attention. I find it almost magical when painting them, they seem to appear on my canvas without much effort on my part.

Q: What do you want others to know about you/your work?

Every painting I paint belongs to somebody out there. My job is to create it because it wants to find its home. I love doing my project paintings, each painting is a collaboration of someone’s photo and my background. I am always delighted with the outcome; these paintings have no real planning - they just become in less than 24 hours. Sometimes planning isn’t always the way to go for me and my art, I just have to let it happen.

For more information about Carr’s work, visit For more information about Wine-d Down with Wings, call 712.325.8970 or visit

Teresa Gleason