Wings of Hope Cancer Support Center: a history
It all started in 1987.
Wings of Hope begins meeting as a monthly cancer support group. People meet to discuss issues about living with cancer. They begin to learn from each other about ways to improve their quality of life. It becomes apparent many people share this need to express their emotions in a group or individual setting.
Wings of Hope Cancer Support Center is established as an independent 501c3 nonprofit organization in September 1994. Its mission is to provide emotional support and guidance for people, family members and health professionals as they journey through their cancer experiences.
Part-time program administrator position and part-time finance director position created (each 10 hours/week).
Wings of Hope begins to offer one-on-one counseling services, a prostate cancer support group and Hope for Tomorrow, a general support group for all cancers.
Inaugural Women Helping Women Breast Cancer Event held.
The HOPE Financial Assistance Program begins, which provides vouchers to assist qualified patients with symptom management medications, nutritional supplements, transportation assistance and home medical equipment.
First Healthy Survivor educational series offered, a 6-week course for cancer survivors.
Hope Chest Renewal Room opens, which provides free wigs, hats and other practical support items for people undergoing cancer treatment.
Inaugural A Time to Heal program is offered, a 12-week course for cancer survivors.
Wings of Comfort Training Program is launched, which teaches care partners how to provide comfort through touch techniques that promote deep relaxation and relief from pain.
Healing Touch services begin. A certified Healing Touch practitioner provides therapy that works with each person's energy field to support their natural ability to heal.
Young Women's Breast Cancer Support Group begins.
Healthy Moves - a movement and support group - begins.
Survivorship workshops are offered, which assist survivors with developing survivorship and personal wellness plans.
Part-time development officer position is created (15 hours/week).
Caregiver and Self-Care Huddles are developed in response to the pandemic. Each Huddle type offers 30 minutes of weekly online support via Zoom.
All one-on-one counseling services and support groups are moved online via HIPPA-compliant Zoom (adds annual $2.200 cost to the operating budget).
Healing Circle programming begins. They are offered around a topic of interest in a nurturing environment.
The Healing Garden expansion project is completed, which adds specialized space for new and existing programming.
Development officer position increases to half time (20 hours/week).
Healing Garden programming begins, which includes collaborating with community professionals who offer alternative healing experiences for cancer patients and survivors.
Survivorship Care Planning services begin, including the development of a resource book for survivors.