Beginning the Journey
Wings of Hope provides a variety of free services for those just beginning their cancer journey. Take a look below, and let us know how we can help. For more information, call 712.325.8970 or email
Our counselors are educated, licensed mental health providers who can address common issues such as depression, anxiety, changes in body image and fear of recurrence. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 712.325.8970, or email
Hope Chest Renewal Room
This is the place to find things to help you with the initial challenges of treatment, including survivor bags, wigs and hats, cancer resources and uplifting HOPE jars. Our Renewal Room is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to noon. Call 712.325.8970 to schedule an appointment.
Lending Library
If you’re a reader or like to learn on your own, visit our Lending Library. You can check out books, CDs, DVDs, periodicals or anything else to help you learn more during your journey.
What will work with your style? Check out our collection of scarves, caps and other items at