Individual Support
Companion counseling
The journey of cancer, whether experienced as a patient or care partner, is challenging. It's unpredictable, ever-changing and evokes strong emotions. We offer counseling services unique to those challenged by cancer. They are a combination of generous listening and compassionate presence for wherever you are in your journey. We call it Companion Counseling. This model of counseling provides support and caring as you experience pain, accept your new realities, and look for ways to heal and grow. We create a positive, nonjudgmental space for you to BE, and in that space is where healing occurs.
Guided imagery
Relax, focus and energize with these audio clips. Your mind is your most effective tool for creating change in your life. Guided imagery is a practice that helps you make the most of this amazing tool by engaging your mind, body and spirit to help reduce stress, promote healing and accomplish healthy change.
Healing Touch
A certified Healing Touch Practitioner provides therapy that works with each person’s energy field to support their natural ability to heal. Gentle Touch assists in balancing the individual’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Hope chest renewal room
This is the place to find things to help you with the initial challenges of treatment, including wigs, scarves, hats, survivor bags, cancer resources and uplifting HOPE jars. Our Renewal Room is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to noon.
Hope program (financial assistance)
The cost of treatment can be overwhelming. Wings of Hope provides vouchers to help qualified patients with transportation assistance, symptom management medications, nutritional supplements and home medical equipment and, most recently, food assistance.
Lending Library
If you’re a reader or like to learn on your own, visit our Lending Library. You can check out books, CDs, DVDs and other materials to help you learn more during your journey.
“You’ve truly been a ray of sunlight in an otherwise dreary ordeal. I find it extraordinary that an organization that runs on a shoestring can provide such direct and valuable assistance.”